About Manna
Let brotherly love continue, be not forgetful to entertain strangers:
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13;1-2
Manna Food From Heaven Ministries Is A Non-Profit Organization Consisting Of A Group Of Christian Men And Women From Various Churches and Denominations.
Manna, the food that God provided to His People in the Old Testament – Exodus 16, is still provided today. For over 30 years of serving, the last twenty years as “Manna Food from Heaven Ministries”, God has always supplied what we needed to provide a meal. When one door was closed, He opened another one.
Mount Gillion Baptist Church, Pastor F.L. Brown, Everlasting Baptist Church, Pastor Dewitt Chappell and Love Center Interdenominational Church, Elder Paul Carrington for all that you added to Manna. Elder Carrington for opening the doors of your Church for six years straight for us to raise money to keep the hot meals going. Pastor Dewitt Chappell, for six years of sending Manna a monthly donation. To Mattie Canidate and Shirley Sealey for your continued monthly donations. There is always a ram in the bush.
To Mrs. Nina Lewis, the owner of The Style Lounge Clothing Store, who stepped in this month to make three big commitments to Manna Food From Heaven – 1st to make a monthly donation, 2nd she made a special donation for our Share A Christmas Dream that allowed us to purchase over 200 gifts for the homeless and finally she donated (5) big boxes of new men and women clothing to be given to the families at Zelma George Shelter. Thank God for her spirit of helping and giving; she attended a George Frazier seminar where he stated that we have enough people that volunteer; we need people that will write the CHECK and she is doing that. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.
To THE WORD Church, Pastor R.A Vernon and all the members that help us on a regular basis to prepare and serve over 1600 meals a month; words cannot express how we feel. To minister Nate Lee and brother Nick Fredd for taking time out to come down and spread the word of God.
On behalf of Manna Food From Heaven Ministries, we would like to take this opportunity to THANK all of the members of the Cleveland Food bank for the outstanding service you render to not just Manna Food From Heaven Ministries but to all the agencies that you service. For awarding us the large freezer, refrigerator and the $2,500.00 grant in our Food bank account that allow us to continue to supply our clients with a healthy home cooked meal on a regular basis.
A special SHOUT OUT to the men and women that pull and place our orders together and also to the group of special people in the office that make sure all of our requests are filled.
To Minister Ray A. Harris, RaHa1 Web Designs for doing what you do for Manna, the outstanding website you maintain for us.
On Saturday, June 23, 2007, Brother David Sims and I were presented with one of the first annual achievement awards by Project Safe and C-Space for years of dedicated service to the homeless community.
2007 manna supplied over 31,000 hot meals to four different shelters, the men at 2100 lakeside, the mens shelter on Payne, the women community shelter and project share. There was an increase of over 5,000 meals. We also said goodbye to two of our faithful soldiers; Larry Riley – a worker at the 2100 lakeside location whos loud mouth was always going and sister Harriet Byrd one of mannas original workers from Mt. Gillion Baptist church who went home to be with the lord. Both are missed.
May god continue to bless each and every one of you. Thank you again for all that you and E.B.C. has done.
Deacon Melvin
to God be the Glory